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New Rivers Enterprises commenced in Australia after many conversations between three ordinary families determined to make an impact in making Slavery obsolete. 


After seeing the reality of families living on $1-2 for a day's work while living in Uganda, the Morses' goal was to make a difference somewhere, somehow. During their time there, the inbound aid they saw didn't always have a lasting impact. In contrast, they also encountered projects which set up cycles of empowering growth. One of these projects was an initiative where cows and goats were 'paid forward' to families, who then passed on the first calf or kid to a new home, sending out ripples of change.


This planted the seed of an idea, where their impact didn't rely on being on the ground in person, or donating funds which only met short term needs. Could they instead support infrastructure and businesses which sustainably changed lives? In time, the opportunity came to collaborate with the New Rivers team. Now the somewhere, somehow dream has grown into a reality where they can sustainably impact individuals and communities for years to come.


Manfred & Michelle have been passionate about Social Justice for many years. They first met in East Timor in the early 2000s while coordinating development work.

They are always keen to find creative ways to bring freedom and restoration to those who find themselves bound in ways we were not meant to be.


Manfred enrolled in a Bachelor of Laws at the University of Tasmania, commencing in 2017. He was looking for a way to increase his skill set. During his time studying he began developing the idea which we now call New Rivers. After graduating with First Class Honours, Manfred was admitted to the Tasmanian Supreme Court in August 2020. 


They live in Southern Tasmania with two sons. On the weekends you will find them on the side of a soccer pitch or serving in their local church. They thoroughly enjoy living in such a beautiful part of the world.


Jordan & Jane's vision is to see children healthy and happy, women safe and equipped, and men filled with hope for the future. However, it is a sad reality that for much of the world, living is just surviving another day, and for those enslaved, there is little prospect of changing this. They have heard the stories, wept, and prayed, but they wanted to do more.


So here they are: a family with three young children and a perpetually optimistic golden retriever. Based in Perth, together they are studying, working, raising children, and enjoying the freedom of opportunity. With the team at New Rivers Enterprises, Jordan and Jane envision people everywhere enjoying this same freedom. 

the team

© 2024 New Rivers

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